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Anglican Independent Communion Worldwide

The Anglican Independent Communion Worldwide

AICW logo The Anglican Independent Communion – Worldwide was created to promote a Traditional Anglican Communion, as handed down by the preceding generations of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of England; by adhering to the orthodox Christian faith, through witness and service to the community, in this age of religious liberalism, and secular decadence. This Communion will offer sanctuary to the frightened and vulnerable in our society, regardless of background, and offer the hope of salvation to the disenfranchised and ex-communicant from other denominations within our society; through friendship, fellowship, and by offering material assistance to those in need. It will be the duty of all clergy and laity, within the Church to visit and befriend the young and old, the needy and vulnerable, the homeless, the sick and the sinner, the dying, and to whomever is perceived as needing the comfort of a listening ear, and a helping hand, regardless of status, colour, class or creed.  And from whomever there is a call for help. By means of practised faith and Christian witness, the Church will build-up worshipping and supporting congregations from which, and through the receipt of external charitable bequests, the Church will create and establish centres of administration, accommodation, and worship throughout the continent of Europe and clergy in other countries who support our vision and ministry, to promote and facilitate its programme of commitment and service, to the wider community; through faith, and within its published Canons.

Anglican Independent Communion Worldwide