Every Province or Diocese within AICW has to comply with the AICW Canons (that I inherited as Primate) but is otherwise completely autonomous. AICW does not request a tithe or proportional payment on size of congregation, and for that reason we have no funds to dispense in times of need of any congregation or clergy member.
Brother Nitonde Dieudonné of Burundi has made me aware of his kidney failure and the need for dyalisis.
Peace from heaven be with you wish you a wonderful month with your family and the Church you represent.
I would like to inform you that i have been diagnosed with Chronic Kidney failure and at the moment am being supported by the dialysis,machine with a lot of pains waiting for treatment, the pain has been on going for sometime and i have been visiting the hospital whenever it occurs, am recommended to have the haemodialysis treatment but the amount needed is quite alot for drugs and General treatment i kindly request for your prayers.
Amount required
Dialysis machine costs 16 times(4months) $ 550
Purchase of drugs $ 400
Total amount of money needed $950
I hope to hear from you soon
Yours who loves very much, +BP Nitonde Dieudonne, Episcopal church of Burundi
Thank you for your response, because of time difference i couldn’t reply you in time, the names to use by Western Union: NININAHAZWE JOSIANE TEL: 79516274 Bujumbura, Burundi,
send me the details after you have sent to me so that my daughter can pick the money to enable me start treatment to reduce on the pain am having
Sender’s Names:
Amount Sent
May the Lord Protect you and the AICW family
In a world where the Internet and eMail are misused frequently, I urge those of you who can to send a donation to our Brother by Western Union, that will be converted from our own currency to $ during the transaction. The eMail address for our brother so that you can ask your own questions is: <nitondedieudonn@yahoo.fr>
A Medical Report in .pdf form is attached. If you need a different format (like jpeg) please tell clive@cliveread.com
I urge you to be as generous as God allows. ++Clive (Primate Archbishop)