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The longest-serving minister on Spain’s Costa Blanca, came to faith in Christ as he listened to a radio broadcast at 6 years of age. The AICW Primate Archbishop’s wife came to faith as an 11-year-old-girl, and has been a tower of strength to all who have looked to her for strength or guidance for more than 50 years.

Some denomination place an upper age limit on candidates for ordination – the AICW generally does not, looking for live’s that have been changed and enriched, with a DNA that wants to help the homeless, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit those who are sick, in prison and other marginalised people (Matthew 25:37-40).

We welcome ‘letters of Interest’ – no matter the age of the writer – from those who believe they have received the call of Jesus on their lives to influence the lives of others. After completing any necessary Discipleship Course, they would be ordained as Deacons or Deaconesses and encourage to serve God in a local community.

If you have been waiting for ‘an opening’ where God’s calling on your life will be recognised, developed and encouraged, write initially to and we will assess and process your willingness and suitability. Few of Christ’s disciples would (2000 yearsago) have met the standards imposed by denominations OTHER than AICW today.